Friday, 19 June 2015

"Making our names with play dough"

"Bella and Alexis used the play dough to write their name. They turned it and rolled it until the play dough made letters."

Communication Goal 3 - Children experience an environment where they experience the stories and symbols of their own and others cultures.
  • Children develop familiarity with print and its uses by exploring and observing the use of print in activities that have meaning and purpose for children.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Sam's favourite breakfast.

Learning Intention: To write about what breakfast we like.
Success Criteria: 
- Write about a weekend experience.
- Use a capital letter to start a sentence.
- Use finger spaces.
- Use a full stop to end a sentence.
- Write words I know.
- Write words I can find.
- Hear and write dominant sounds in words.

Mac's weekend writing

Learning Intention: To write a recount about an experience in the weekend.
Success Criteria:  
- Write about a weekend experience.
- Use a capital letter to start a sentence.
- Use finger spaces.
- Use a full stop to end a sentence.
- Write words I know.
- Write words I can find.
- Hear and write dominant sounds in words.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Glorious Gloop!

"We made some Glorious Gloop! We made it, using cornflour, water and food colouring.
It felt slimy, but also gritty and hard. If you moved it slowly it would melt and go slimy. But if you moved it fast it would go all hard like clay. We loved playing with Gloop!"

Exploration Goal 4 - Children experience an environment where they develop working theories for making sense of the natural, social, physical and material worlds.
  • Children develop an understanding of the nature and properties of a range of substances, such as sand, water, ice, bubbles, blocks and paper.